Practical Knowledge

The Application of Special Cable in Sewer Robot Industry

Dec. 19, 2024

Special cables play a crucial role in the operation and performance of sewer robots, as these robots are often tasked with navigating harsh environments like underground pipes and sewers. The cables used in sewer robots need to meet specific technical requirements due to the challenging nature of these environments. Here's an overview of the key applications of special cables in the sewer robot industry:

The Application of Special Cable in Sewer Robot Industry

  1. Power Supply Cables

Sewer robots typically require a constant power supply to operate motors, cameras, sensors, and other equipment. Special cables in this application are designed to:

  • Withstand harsh conditions: Sewer environments involve moisture, dirt, and potential exposure to chemicals. Power cables used in sewer robots must be waterproof, chemical-resistant, and able to function in high-humidity conditions.

  • Flexible and durable: These cables need to be flexible to navigate through tight and curved pipelines without breaking. They also need to be resistant to wear and tear, as they may be pulled or pushed through long distances.

  • High voltage and low voltage options: Depending on the robot's design, cables can handle both high voltage for driving motors or low voltage for sensor operations.

2. Data Transmission Cables

Sewer robots are typically equipped with cameras, sensors, and other data-collection devices that need to transmit information back to an operator or central control system. The cables used for data transmission must meet specific criteria:

  • High-speed data transfer: The cables should allow for fast and reliable transmission of video feeds, sensor data, and other real-time information. For high-definition cameras and advanced sensors, cables need to support high bandwidth.

  • Electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding: Sewer environments can have electrical noise from nearby power lines or other machinery, so data cables are designed with shielding to prevent signal disruption and maintain reliable communication.

  • Twisted pair or fiber optic cables: Depending on the application, either twisted pair cables (for electrical data) or fiber optics (for high-speed, high-volume data transmission) are used.

3. Control Cables

Control cables are responsible for providing the communication link between the robot and the control station, enabling the operator to control movement, collect data, and interact with the robot. These cables need to be:

  • Robust and resilient: Control cables need to be designed to withstand mechanical stresses, including tension, bending, and twisting, as they often move with the robot through unpredictable, cramped, and abrasive environments.

  • Insulated and water-resistant: Given the wet conditions in sewer systems, the cables must be insulated to prevent short circuits and ensure safe operation in submerged environments.

  • Low friction: Since sewer robots are often in motion, the cables must have a low coefficient of friction to reduce wear and allow the robot to move without the cables binding or tangling.

4. Tether Cables

Tether cables are essential for connecting sewer robots to the surface station or operator control. These cables allow for power supply, data transmission, and control signals between the robot and the human operator. Key characteristics include:

  • Long, flexible, and strong: Tether cables must be able to extend long distances while maintaining their flexibility to bend around obstacles inside the sewer.

  • Waterproof and chemical-resistant: Tether cables must be resistant to water, sewage, and chemicals commonly found in sewer systems.

  • Multi-core design: Tether cables may incorporate multiple types of wires, such as power lines, control lines, and data lines, within a single cable sheath to reduce bulk and simplify handling.

5. Reinforced Cables for Harsh Environments

Sewer robots are exposed to abrasive surfaces like concrete, corrosion, and sharp objects, so reinforced cables are often used. These cables are designed with:

  • Armored sheaths: These cables have protective layers made from materials like steel wires, which prevent them from being damaged by sharp objects or rough surfaces.

  • Abrasion resistance: Cables in sewer robots are often designed with high abrasion resistance to cope with frictional wear as they move through the pipes.

6. Temperature and Chemical Resistance

Sewer robots often work in environments with fluctuating temperatures and exposure to chemicals (such as sewage, acids, and oils). Cables need to be engineered for:

  • High/low temperature tolerance: Cables must be able to operate in a wide range of temperatures, from freezing to high heat, depending on the environmental conditions in the sewer.

  • Chemical resistance: Sewer robots are exposed to various corrosive substances, so the cables must be resistant to degradation from chemicals like sulfuric acid, hydrogen sulfide, and other corrosive agents found in sewage.

7. Heavy-Duty Construction Cables

For large sewer robots or robots that operate in particularly difficult conditions (like large-diameter pipes or sewers with high water flow), heavy-duty cables are often necessary. These cables are designed to:

  • Support larger loads: Heavy-duty cables may need to support higher power consumption and additional equipment like larger motors, actuators, or hydraulic systems.

  • Waterproofing and corrosion resistance: Especially in wet environments, these cables must be fully waterproof and resistant to corrosion from constant exposure to water and debris.

  • High tensile strength: The cables must be capable of handling the stresses exerted by the robot's movements, especially if the robot is moving against strong currents or climbing inclines.


Special cables in the sewer robot industry are designed to meet the specific demands of working in harsh, confined, and wet environments. From power cables and data transmission lines to control cables and tethers, each type of cable must be durable, flexible, resistant to chemicals and water, and capable of withstanding mechanical stresses. As sewer robots continue to evolve with more advanced technologies, the cables used will also need to adapt to new requirements for higher data speeds, greater power demands, and more challenging operating conditions.

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